Χιού Μακνίλ Μακινταιαρ (γ.
1943) |
Σκοτσέζος ζωγράφος. Σπούδασε στο
Κολλέγιο Τέχνης του Εδιμβούργου 1964 - 68.
Ταξίδευσε σε αρκετές χώρες αναζητώντας
νέα θέματα (Γερμανία, Γαλλία, Ισπανία, Βραζιλία. Μεταξύ
αυτών και η Κύπρος). |
Hugh McNeil McIntyre
(b. 1943) |
Born in Coalsnaughton,
Clackmannanshire, 1943 Secondary education in Portland,
Connecticut, USA Rhode Island School of Design, 1961 -
1963 Edinburgh College of Art, 1964 - 68
The works of Hugh Mcintyre, D.A.Edin are most typically
out of doors, enveloped in atmospheric overtones and
continue the long tradition of Scottish painting. Never
working from a subject directly, he walks the riverside
or seashore in all weathers and then returns to his
studio to relive his experiences by putting them down on
canvas. once he has decided on a particular arrangement,
it will be repeated over and over until the concept is
exhausted. Never working on fewer then three canvases at
a time, Mcintyre is able to maintain a high level of
intensity by constantly changing from one canvas to
another, thereby seeing each with a fresh eye. This
technique allows the artist to produce the prodigious
amount of work for which he is noted. He regularly
returns to themes, sometimes years after the initial
investigation. Hugh Mcintyre knows his subject matter
intimately and from the time he began exhibiting, twenty
years ago, has been recognised as an artist who could
distil essences from the landscape which were unique.
Never a slave to the physical reality of a situation he
has created a more meaningful and accurate
representation by painting from the heart those ordinary
moments which make our landscape extraordinary. Over the
last few years, Hugh has travelled widely working in
Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Brazil. This has
introduced a number of new themes into his work and
enriched his palette in a very positive way.
The Contemporary Fine Art Gallery Eton /
www.cfag.co.uk |