Ο Ευάγγελος Κουζούνης γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα. Από την
παιδική του ηλικία ασχολήθηκε με την τεχνική της
γιγαντοαφίσας του κινηματογράφου στο εργαστήρι του
πατέρα του. Σπούδασε ζωγραφική και σκηνογραφία (1964 -
1968) στην Α.Σ.Κ.Τ. με δάσκαλο το Γιάννη Μόραλη και
αργότερα γλυπτική στην École Nationale Supérieure des
Arts Apliqués, στο Παρίσι (1973 - 1976). Την πρώτη του
ατομική έκθεση παρουσίασε στην Αθήνα (1976), ενώ ήδη από
το 1968 είχε μετάσχει σε ομαδικές εκθέσεις. Θα
ακολουθήσει σειρά ατομικών και ομαδικών εκθέσεων στην
Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό. ‘Εχει τιμηθεί με το βραβείο «Περικλής
Βυζάντιος» (1974) και με πρώτο βραβείο στην Τριενάλε της
Σόφιας (1988). Στο έργο του συγκεντρώνονται στοιχεία
κυβιστικά, εξπρεσιονιστικά και της pop-art σε αρμονική
συνύπαρξη. Ζει και εργάζεται στην Αθήνα. |
Evangelos Kouzounis was born in 1944 in Athens . His
father Konstantine was also a painter from Koutali
Island in the Propontis. His mother was from Sivrisar in
Smyrna . Kouzounis was a boarder at the Zannio School,
Ekali (1953 - 1955). There he painted the building and
created his first works. Zannio awarded him a diligence
prize and appointed him its flag-bearer. While at Zannio
he was given the opportunity to deliver an honourable
address to Konstantine Karamanlis. He was a night pupil
at the high school, in order to work as an assistant
during the mornings at the workshop of his uncle, the
painter George Kouzounis, for the creation of giant
posters for the cinema. He enrolled at the Athens School
of Fine Arts to study painting with Yannis Moralis
(1964-1968) and design, advertising and stage-design
with Vassilis Vassliadis (1966-1968). He became director
of the Stage-Design Department of the Armed Forces
Information Service - YENED (1971 - 1972). He served as
professor of free-hand drawing at the 'Tomi' tutorial
school for the preapartion of architecture candidate
students. He received a scholarship by the Hellenic
Organization of Small Medium Sized Enterprises &
Handicrafts to study at the École Nationale Supérieure
des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d' Art with C. Fleury
(1973-1976). He studied interior architecture with M.
Dolivet (1973 - 1974); synthetic materials with M. Cante
(1974 - 1975); and sculpture with M. Volti.
Evangelos Kouzounis presented the following personal
exhibitions: Athens Art Gallery (1976); Gazette
Bookshop, Athens (1977);
Sporadon Street,
Athens Art Gallery (1984);
The Kisses,
Epoches Art Gallery, Kifissia, Greece (1984, 2007);
Polyla Srteet,
Agathi Bookshop, Athens (1986);
Evangelos Kouzounis: Small Retrospective,
Prisma Gallery, Rhodes Island, Greece (1986); Titanium
Art Gallery, Athens (1988, 2004); and
Tzavela Street,
Titanium Art Gallery (1994);
The Kisses,
Zakynthos Art Gallery, Zakynthos Island, Greece (1997);
The Kisses,
EP-ES Gallery, Elounda, Crete, Greece (1998). He also
took part in the following group exhibitions:
Panhellenic Painting Competition for Secondary Schools,
Zappeion Hall, Athens (1960) [...]
Evangelos Kouzounis continues to live and work in
Athens. |