Δημήτρης Αρμακόλας (1939 - 2009) |
Γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα το 1939 όπου και απέθανε το 2009.
Σπούδασε γλυπτική στην ΑΣΚΤ (1956 - 1960), με δάσκαλο το
Μ. Τόμπρο και συνέχισε τις σπουδές του στην École
des Beaux-Arts
στο Παρίσι με υποτροφία του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (1960 -
1962) με δάσκαλους τους
Παρουσίασε το έργο σε πολλές ατομικές και ομαδικές
εκθέσεις και αντιπροσώπευσε την Ελλάδα σε πολλές
σημαντικές Μπιενάλε: Σάο Πάουλο, 1969. Διεθνής Έκθεση
Γλυπτικής, Μιλάνο, 1969. Μπιενάλε Μικρής Γλυπτικής,
Βουδαπέστη, 1971. Μπιενάλε Βαρκελώνης, 1975 κ.α.).
Βραβεύτηκε στη 2η Πανελλαδική Έκθεση Νέων (Α' βραβείο),
καθώς και από το Υπουργείο Προεδρίας το 1970 (Α' βραβείο
Γλυπτικής) και το Δήμο Θεσσαλονίκης (Α' βραβείο
Έργα του βρίσκονται στην ΕΠΜΑΣ, στην Πινακοθήκη Αβέρωφ,
στη Συλλ. ΜΙΕΤ, στο ΥΠ.ΠΟ. κ.α. |
Dimitris Armakolas (1939 - 2009)
Dimitris Armakolas was born in 1939 in Athens of
islander parents. In 1952, at the age of twelve, he
exhibited terracotta sculptures and witnessed his first
critics in period newspapers. In 1957 he participated in
an exhibition with copies of Post-Byzantine and Popular
Greek art. In 1956, at the age of seventeen, he enrolled
at the Athens School of Fine Arts to study sculpture,
from which he graduated in 1960. In the same year the
University of Athens granted him a scholarship to
further his studies at the École Nationale Supérieure
des Beaux-Arts in Paris. There he worked on a series of
sculptures in wood entitled Erotic - Bimorfic, which he
subsequently presented at international exhibitions.
Upon his return to Greece the Greek Presidency honored
him with the 1st Sculpture Award in the 2nd Panhelladic
Exhibition of Young Artists (1962). He then worked on a
series of sculptures in iron and concrete under the
title Monomorphic - Pulses and was again honored with
the Presidency's 1st Sculpture Award (1970). During this
period he collaborated with architects and produced a
series of relief architectural ornaments, combining
sculpture with architecture.
In 1974 a work of his was distinguished by UNESCO and
was included in the collection entitled Art as
Environment. At that time he began to work with bronze
and marble, producing a great series of works that were
characterized by the combination of opposites, which
turned out to result in a poetical realism. In 1991 was
published the book Armakolas 1960 - 1990, which presents
retrospectively all of his artworks, with a commentary
by Academician Professor Chryssanthos Christou. In
concision, the artistic evolution of Armakolas' artistic
development may be summed up as follows: in the 1960s he
engaged with the surface of abstract forms - in 1965
began his interest in dissimilar textures - In the 1970s
he introduced abstract geometry in figuration - in 1975
he employed naturalistic patterns (breakages and cracks)
to enliven the texture - from 1980 he has been
experimenting with the interplay of naturalistic and
abstract elements.
In 2002 Dimitris Armakolas combined workshop and home by
remodelling a neoclassical building at the intersection
of Zoodochos Pigi and Smolensky Streets in Neapoli of
Athens. Unfortunately it was there that he found tragic
death from suffocation when his scarf was caught in the
electric wheel, while trying to refine one of his
sculptures, on the afternoon of 16 May 2009. He was
exactly 70 years of age. |