ninth Auction by “Psatharis Auction House” was held
on 8 June at the Hilton Hotel in Nicosia.
Out of the 104 works of art that were
auctioned, 50 were sold, or 48%. The revenue (auction
price, auctioneer’s commission and VAT on the
commission) amounts to €155.121, percentage by value
of the 45 works of art by Cypriot artists, 30 were
sold, or 66% and, of the Greek artists, out of 59,
20 were sold, or 34%. The works of art with the
highest auction price were the following:
In the first place, as was expected,
was Michalis Kashialos’ work “Kashialos’ skarpariko”
(“The Cobbler’s Shop”),
which, after seven bids, from the starting price of
€15.000 realised (auction price, commission, plus
VAT on the commission) €22.277.
In second place was the work by
Christoforos Savva “Dead Nature” which
realised €14.656; the sculpture by Costas
Koulentianos from the series “New Generation”
sold for
€11.725 and “The August Kiss”,
by Christos Christou, for €10.552.
Fotis Hadjisotiriou’s work
“Parekklishia” (“The Chapel”) went for €6.448
after three bids.
works by George Erotocritou had a starting
price of €850. The first, after five bids, reached
€1.856 while the second, after eleven bids, realised
€1.993, Lefteris Economou, starting at €950,
after six bids reached €1.876, Thalia Flora
Karavia’s “Blue Mountains”, after eight
bids, sold for more than double the €1,000 starting
price, reaching €2.110.
The Stelios Votsis work “Angelos”
sold for
€6.448 and the second, “Untitled”,
from €1.000 realised €1.876.
An increased interest was shown in
both works by Telemachos Kanthou, “Portraits”
and “Nude”, a wood engraving. The first went
for €3.048 and the second, from a €950 starting
price, after nine bids reached €1.876, “Keryneia”,
a watercolour, by
Ioannis Kissoneryis
Works by Stas Paraskos, Mikis
Finikarides, B. Sperantza, D. Gerou,
Corbidge, G. Mavroidi, Opi Zouni, Korinliou, P.
Mathiopoulou, G. Skotinos, Chr. Foukara, M.
Manousaki, C. Patsalou, A. Asproftas, Glyn Hughes,
G. Tritoglides, Pavlos Samiou a.o.
were also sold. |